A new paradigm for patient supportive care

Total Cost of Care management for the highest-cost and risk patients.
Made possible by pharmacist-led virtual and in-person interventions.

Total Cost of Care

The new paradigm for managing costs and outcomes for patients on specialty drugs.

Status Quo

Rigid enforcement
One size fits all

Patient supportive care
Mass customization
Pharmacy or medical claims only Combined pharmacy & medical claims
Unit drug cost management Total Cost of Care management
Prior authorization Data analysis, actionable information, and clinical insights about select patient populations
Discounts and rebates Help prescribing physicians improve outcomes
Patient compliance initiatives Focused patient-centric interventions. Improved results with patient and physician engagement.
What we do different

The right levers. The right activities.
The results you need.

Only possible with our proprietary high-tech plus high-touch approach.

Key Levers

for costs and outcomes

Targeted Activities

Apply pressure on the levers

Unparalleled Results

Naturally follow
Benefit design Only cover drugs with lowest total cost of care Reduces total cost of care
Pharmacy and physician reimbursement Obtain drug cost discounts, limit administration/dispensing fees and choose appropropriate care sites Reduces drug costs
Physician utilization Use “smart prior authorization” to improve physician prescribing and drug use Improves patient convenience and outcomes
Patient payment responsibility Use fixed dollar copayments to improve access and patient compliance Improves access and outcomes
Pharmaceutical purchasing Implement value based contracting tied to outcomes Reduces costs and improves outcomes
The Model

1. Data Analysis

2. Physician Collaboration

3. Patient Engagement

4. Ongoing Measurement

MA does what no one else does.

The next generation of proven, outcomes-focused approaches.

Measured, tracked, and reported quarterly against Total Cost of Care metrics.

  • Specially-trained pharmacists delivering focused attention, education and intervention with select patients and rheumatologists.
  • High touch access (In-Home)
  • Healthcare outcome-driven (quality of life/ specialty drugs cost and optimal utilization for specific disease state(s))
  • Pharmacists seamlessly engaged across high risk patients and their rheumatologists to educate and change behavior
  • Fully independent of vested interests.

MedAppropriate delivers results

  • Through “high tech” and “high touch” approach
  • Patients switched to lowest total cost of care therapies
  • Improved patient compliance and satisfaction
  • Better care management by the  Rheumatologist
  • At least 4 to 1 ROI, savings in Total Cost of Care for high cost RA patients

Without the Total Cost of Care lens, you’re not seeing the full picture.

Let us help you effectively & efficiently manage Total Cost of Care.