Total Cost of Care

The new paradigm for managing specialty drug costs

Think skyrocketing specialty drug spend is only because the drugs cost so much?

The truth is drug costs are just one piece.

You could beat down unit costs through restricted access, discounting, and distribution—only to see the results eaten by the other components of care for patients on specialty drugs.

Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn’s Disease, Psoriasis and other chronic diseases are a complex challenge that requires a tailored approach to
Total Cost of Care.

You need real leverage to manage Total Cost of Care.

Measure, manage, and target all direct and impact cost components.

Direct Costs

Direct drug costs

Co-morbid disease costs

Drug administration and delivery costs

Specialist care costs

Lab costs

Home care & rehab cots

Emergency care

Optimal drug dosing

Negative drug interactions

Disease outcomes


Individual patient adherence

Impact Costs



Productivity losses

Early retirement


Transportation costs

Home modification costs

Costs of care billed to other services

(housecleaning, meals, etc.)

Unbilled costs of care

(Family or significant others)


Early mortality

Effectively measuring, managing, and targeting requires a unique approach

Starts with the right data to identify the right patients and baseline metrics

Effective engagement of patients and physicians

Focuses on the right quantitative and qualitative goals

Drives optimal prescribing behavior

Impacts patient behavior changes

Monitors and measures progress

Reports against goals

Without the Total Cost of Care lens, you’re not seeing the full picture.

Let us help you effectively & efficiently manage Total Cost of Care.