About MedAppropriate

Meet our Team

About Us-1 Perry Cohen

Perry Cohen

Chief Executive Officer

Pharmacist by training

Cofounder and CEO of The Pharmacy Group, now with 5 business lines

COO of Aetna Pharmacy Management and helped create PBM industry in ‘90’s

Cofounder the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy

Longstanding relationships with hundreds of decision makers in U.S. healthcare system


Deb d'Aquin

Chief Marketing Officer

Consumer & Technology Services Marketing

Codeveloped & sold 2 startups

Executive roles innovating and implementing new models for growth in and out of healthcare

Data-driven communication strategy and engagement


Marj Zimmerman

Chief Operating Officer

Pharmacist by training

Pharmacist field operations and education innovator

Pioneered in-home chemotherapy model

Built decentralized pharmacy services model for large hospital pharmacy dept

Led industry efforts to measure impact of virtual and in-person intervention on physician prescribing behavior


Rich Balest

Chief Analytics Officer

Pharmacist by training

Actuarial data modeling for leading Health Plans, PBM’s, and Academic Medical Centers

Deep analytical skills creating information and insights across pharmacy and medical claims data

Recognized expert at measuring prescription drug trends, PBM contracts and financial performance of employer sponsored prescription drug benefit plans

Medicare Part D and specialty network assessments, clinical pathways and case rate development

We’re supported by industry leading advisors

Gary S. Firestein, MD

Renowned Rheumatology Disease Specialist and Researcher

Current Dean and Associate Vice Chancellor of Translational Medicine, UC San Diego

Harvard College, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Fellowships at Burnham Institute and UC San Diego.

Former Chair, FDA Arthritis Advisory Committee


Paul Fronstin, Ph. D.

Director, Health Research and Education, Employee Benefit Research Institute

Oversees Center for Research on Health Benefits Innovation

Expert Economic Research/Trends Employee Health Benefits

Washington DC. Government Health Policy


Lynn Franzoi

Widely Respected Fortune 500 Health Benefits Advisor

Former Head of Benefits across all of Fox Entertainment. Benefits Leadership Roles at Teledyne, American Honda, Pacific Life

Board of Directors, Delta Dental

Board Member, US Chamber of Commerce -Benefits Issues and Policy.
Testifies before Congress

Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy


David Feffer

Successful , serial consumer-centric Healthcare Services Entrepreneur

Expert in the finance, planning, and delivery of health care services

Co-founded Health Incentives, first telephonic nurse decision support company

Founded and headed Informed Health for Aetna

Joined, Built and Sold Health Dialog

Senior Consultant, Time Life Health and Array Health

David all 3

Dr. Fred Wasserman

Built MaxiCare from a $27,000 capitalization into a $1.9 billion dollar company operating in 23 of the largest 30 US markets

Widely credited with creating the healthcare delivery model now known as the “Accountable Care Organization”

First introduced Nurse Practitioners, Health Educators and Quality Assurance programs into private practice settings

Member of the Board of Directors of the
La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology.

Extensively published author


About MedAppropriate

MedAppropriate is at the nexus of reducing TOTAL COST OF CARE for chronically ill patients on specialty pharmaceuticals and improving outcomes.

We bend the specialty pharmaceutical cost curve by changing patient and physician behavior through HIGH-TECH DATA ANALYTICS and HIGH-TOUCH INTERVENTIONS.

We independently identify the right patient, populations and therapies, then execute appropriate interventions.

We're not alone in tackling the high cost of specialty pharmaceuticals, but we are alone in our independence from the vested interests of other stakeholders. We also get right to the root of the problem, sub-optimal prescribing and patient behavior.

More than 140 years of combined managed care, pharmacy benefit management, consumer and data analytics specialization has enabled us to build MedAppropriate around two key insights.

  1. Identifying the highest-cost and risk patients requires analyzing both medical and pharmacy claims data in an unbiased way. This also lets us pinpoint the patients most likely to positively respond to intervention.
  2. Face-to-face interventions with patients and physicians by carefully trained pharmacist drug therapy advisors has an outsized impact on changing prescribing and patient utilization behavior.

Without the Total Cost of Care lens, you’re not seeing the full picture.

Let us help you effectively & efficiently manage Total Cost of Care.